Rethinking-Extinction Article Response

Rethinking Extinction

Reading through this article I at first felt overwhelmed with information, Their was a lot of useful information included in the article about the passenger-pigeon and its extinction I could gather from what I was reading that it’s primarily focus throughout the article was originally on passenger pigeon, but It later shifted from the birds extinction to extinction in general. It did a great job on its primary focus which i believe was the passenger-pigeon, but the main issue that arises which made it hard to summarize is that the information that was disorganized and didn’t flow properly it would be talking about passenger-pigeons then jump to a theory about extinction then how to kill the pigeons then talking about more facts of the population. I especially noticed it with doing the summary I had to rearrange information from the article in the order it was presented in for my summary to make sense because of how weirdly organized and ordered the information in the article was. Their was also some informational pieces not having all the information like as an example early in the article it said “the American economy went through a profound transformation. The country’s population increased more than tenfold, and average income more than quadrupled.” but it didn’t explain what this had to do with passenger pigeons or what this information is for their was also another example later on it said Federal and state wildlife-protection laws were passed, but it failed to mention what those laws did or what they were called and without a name I can’t find out more information on those laws. Other then that it was a really great article really puts into perspective on how much of a threat mankind is to animals.

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